Saturday, 25 July 2015

कुरान में अनगिनत गणितीय चमत्कार पार्ट - 01

Mathematics Miracles Of Holy Qur'an Verses ,
Chapter's and Revelation years Part - 1

Alhamdulillah All thanx to Allah .

Mathematics Miracle begin Number 19 and 7 & Miracle Ending 7 and 19 Begin Ending 19 ~ ~ ~ 7 7 ~ ~ ~ 19 Alhamdulillah .
The Holy Qur'an Begin with 'Bismillah' "In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
" *The Greatness Numerical Miracles of " Bismillah"
*The 19 arabic letters 19 => 19x1 *Frist chapter 7 verse 7/7 = 7x1 we write Chapter Verses 1 1234567/19 =>19x 591293 *
" Bísmìllâh hír rãhmãñ ñír rãhím' 4 words . Ist word consists of 3 letters . 2nd word consists of 4 letters. 3rd word consists of 6 letters.
4th word consists of 6 letters. 6643/7 => 7x949 *The first Aayat (verse) in the Holy Qur'an & The last Aayat (verse) in the Holy Qur'an . Last Aayt first Aayt W A W A 4 6 4 1 4641/7 => 7x663 *Last ayt 'words Ayt Sura' & First ayt 'words Ayt Sura ~ wrd Ayt S wrd Ayt S 4 6 114 4 1 1 46114411/7 => 7x 6587773 *Last Ayat 'letters , words Ayt Sura' & First Ayat 'letters words Ayt Sura' ~ L W Ayt S L W Ayt S 13 4 6 114 19 4 1 1 134611419411/7 => 7x 19230202773
*First Aayt 'letters words Ayt Sura ~ Ltr Words Ayat Sura 19 4 1 1 19411/7 => 7x 2773 Last Ayat ' letters words Ayt Sura ~ Ltr Words Ayat Sura 13 4 6 114 1346114/7 => 7x 192302 Alhamdulillah *
" In Every Number, there is a Miracle " The Numbers that Allah has chosen for his Holy Book The Qur'an' no human kind can ever produce like them .
Allah glorified be Him. Has chosen for his book . * The Number of Verse 6236 verses * The number of chapters 114 * The number of the years of Revelation 23 years. The number of the Qur'anic chapters 114 : its characteristic is that the number of the first chapter and that of the last one contitute the number of number 114 and it is a divide by 7 *The Last chapter's Number 114 First chapter's Number 1 1141/7 => 7x163 moreover the total of its numbers gives the sum of 7 : (1+1+4+1 = 7 => 7x1 ) *The 23 Revelation years and first chapter number ~ 231 / 7 => 7x 33 *Revelation years and last chapter number ~ 23114 / 7 => 7x 3302 *The verses and the chapters constitute the number of 1146236 which is about seven categories and can be divided by 7 in the two senses: the sum of its number too gives 23 (the Number of the years of Revelation . 1+1+4+6+2+3+6 =23 *The total of singles of three numbers:

2+3+1+1+4+6+2+3+6 = > 28 = 7x4 *The chapter 114 and the years 23 the constitute a number that is a divide by 7 in two ways 23114 23114/7 => 7x3302 and the total of the numbers of each is : 2+3 =5 1+1+4 = 6 then 56 is a divide by 7 56 => 7x8
*The verses and the years: the constitue a number that is divide 7 in two ways too : 236236 /7 =>7x 33748 6+2+3+6 = 17 2+3 = 5 175/7 => 7x 25 Continue Part 2 In shah Allah

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